C.I.E. ATCH CZCH CZJCH SKJCH Catch First Arik Garonera
Crufts 2019 3.rd Special Young Gundog Class, Best Junior dog of TOP TOLLER CR 2018, The Best SHOW male of TOP TOLLER CR 2019
Height: 51 cm
Weight: 21 kg
HD: A/A (Excellent)
ED: 0/0 (Excellent)
PRA: clear by parents
CEA: clear by parents
Eyes :
Dentition: full dentition
Cleft Palate status: clear by parents
Cleft Lip/Palate and Syndactyly status: clear by parents
Juvenile Addison’s Disease status: clear by parents
DM status: clear OFA DTR-DM544/9M-PI
Degenerative Encephalopathy status: clear by parents
Lokus D:
Patella Luxation status: unrecognized registry clear Normal – Orthopedic
Chondrodystrophy (CDDY) status: UC Davis VGL NCD75159 N/CDDY
Hunting tests
26.05.2018 OVVR passed, 201 points, 1.st place
21.04.2019 beginners class dummy, 2.nd prize, Borotín, Czech Rep. (unofficial test)
25.05.2019 beginners class dummy , 2.nd prize, Borotín, Czech Rep. (unofficial test)
26.05.2019 beginners class dummy, 2.nd prize, Borotín, Czech Rep. (unofficial test)
16.03.2019 beginners class, very good, 67/80 points, 11.th place
27.04.2019 beginners class, good, 59/80 points, 18.th place